iPhone is winning the tweets war

Andoid has the largest market share in the smartphones range, but it appears that Apple still holds top spot on our mind. We conducted an evaluation using Qlikview of how often iPhone, iPad, Android and Nokia are tweeted. Please see note below on how you can download this visualisation.

We’ve used our twitter probe to collect 2.1 million tweets over a period of four days.

iPad and iphone were by far the most tweeted keywords representing 38% and 31% respectively. Android tweets were surprisingly half of iPhone and iPad, and Nokia trailed behind with 3% of the tweets.

The tweets are pretty consistent by hour. iPhone was tweeted 33,000 by hour and Nokia 2,700 times.

57% of the tweets were in English followed by Japanese at 12%. iPhone has been exceptionally tweeted 8.44% in Japanese compared to other languages and tags.

The Top tweeted messages are given in the table below. “Running a @QuickPull on my #BlackBerry. Brb!” was tweeted 7,271 (0.39% of the total tweets).

The majority of the tweets, 1.5M (99%), have been re-tweeted less than 5 times. This decreases to 63k re-tweets for messages retweted between 10 and 15 times.

89.76% (1.6M) of the tweets contained a single smartphone keyword, 8.98%(166k) had two keywords.

Finally, we evaluated how often keywords are tweeted together to give us an indication of correlation between them. The results are shown in the adjacent table. In the double keyword category, iPhone and iPad come on top with 106k tweets out of 166k, followed by iPhone and Android. iPad and Nokia came out last with just 499 tweets.

To obtain a copy of this visulisation, click here

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