Oliver and Olivia: the most popular baby names in England and Wales

What are the top baby names for 2009? We have used Tableau Software in our analysis to analyse the date courtesy of the Guardian and the office of national statistics.

Click on the chart entries to get the most of this insight and bring the data to life.

Olivia remains steady as the most popular girl’s name and is joined by Oliver, up one place to top the poll of most popular baby names.

The fastest rise in popularity was seen by the girl’s name Maisie which jumped 29 places from last year to the position of 34th most popular. Austin saw the biggest surge in popularity amongst the boys’ names, up 60 to finally make an appearance in the top 100.

The regional data shows Jack and Oliver to be the top names across the UK apart from in the West Midlands where Mohammed takes the top spot for the boys. For the girls, Olivia and Sophie stay strong across England and Wales apart from the East where Chloe takes the top place.

England’s Dismal Display at the World Cup – you decide

How did England and Algeria compare according to the statistics? Check out the analysis with data courtesy of the Guardian and Opta.

We have used Tableau in our analysis. To get the most of this insight click on the visualisation below to bring the data to life. Click on players, teams and/or basically anything you find interesting and watch how the visualisations update automatically.

With no goals, we decided to have a look at examining passing accuracy throughout the game by team and player.

Kadir and Yebda had over 90% passing accuracy for Algeria. Carragher and Cole matched that accuracy for England. Overall, England had 74% passing accuracy (85% in own half and 66% in the opposition). Algeria passing accuracy was 68% (78% in own half and 60% in the opposition).

England had more action in the opposition half, 200 passes versus Algreria’s 150.

Lampard had the most passes (67) with 81% accuracy Barry (64) with 81% accuracy.

Does this mean England had a better chance at winning? You make up your mind by clicking and interacting with the data. The fact remains that both teams went home with just one point.